Today I lost one of my dearest companions, Josie, my 16-1/2
year old cocker spaniel. She and her sister, Jesse, came to me
at 8 weeks old. It was the first time I had ever bought a dog, I
usually always got them at a shelter. When I first saw them,
I immediately named them because their personalities
strangely reminded me of my Mom, Josie aka Josephine,
and her sister, my Aunt Jesse.
I really didn't feel I had the money to buy both of them so I
told the breeder I would think about which one and would
return. After a day or so, I went again and told the seller I
would buy the one I had named "Josie." Well, when I began
writing the check, she could see how torn I was about leaving
"Jesse" behind so she told me that I could have "Jesse" for
free! I was elated, however, it shortly became clear that our
little "Jesse" was, indeed, a "special child." She was blind in
one eye and she struggled to learn the most rudimentary
commands. However, "Jesse" taught me more patience than
I ever thought I could have. She left us when she was 11 years
old and I always felt good that she had a far better home
with me than she ever could have had elsewhere and she was
with her beloved sister "Josie."
When it was time to register them with the AKC, I chose a
kind of curious name for "Josie." She was officially named
"Albert's Folly, Josephine." The "Albert" was after my Dad,
the "Folly" was from her championship line and, of course,
"Josephine" was for my Mom. It was amazing to me how
many times she did, in fact, remind me of Mom. She was a
leader (top dog), she was smart and she wanted things HER
way - a little bossy you might say. My parents divorced when
I was 14 and they had had a volatile relationship (most of the
volatility was Mom's) but until Dad passed, I always knew
how much he had loved my mother, but how difficult it was
to love her.
So, you see, this passing has a lot of strings to my past and it
causes me to re-visit my Mom and Dad, not just the grief I had
when I lost them, but also the very wonderful memories when
things went well. My little "Josie" was so very important to
me and nothing warmed my heart more than when she
jumped in my lap and literally put both paws around my
neck for a hug and kiss. Guess she knew I often needed it.
Rest in peace my little puppy and then go run in the meadow
with Cindy, Bon-Bon, Pepper, Crickett, Sambo, Jesse, Freckles
(her old adversary,) Buffalo Bill and y'all wait for me.