Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Friday, August 25, 2006

We’re Getting Back to Pro Football! (Not Happily!)

After an extraordinary long Spring and Summer, we have been waiting anxiously for the start of the Pro Football season. We have been told how we made the very best pick for #3 and selected Vince Young, University of Texas. We have been assured that although he came out his Junior year, he would quickly mature and accomplish miraculous things because he had all the physical talent in the world! Well, maybe he will, but experience probably won’t make up for intelligence and we’ve always had some doubt about his mental agility when he achieved (!) a 6 on his Wunderlich.

The real reason this nice young man was drafted by the Titans is that he was from Houston and Bud Adams wanted to get what he determined was the highest rated quarterback in the draft over his sworn enemies in Houston and “The Texans!” With John McClain’s proselytizing about Young’s super human qualities and the boss wanting him, Floyd Reese didn’t have the cojones to stand up and choose either Leinart or, more preferably, Jay Cutler.

It was with some great pleasure to see how Jay Cutler lit up the scoreboard when the Titans played the Bronco’s last week. We know it’s just pre-season, but things do not bode well for the Titans this year. The only way anything can be improved over the last two years is IF Billy Volek can perform, but that will be impossible if the front line doesn’t protect him. The Titans are very thin in so many positions; it looks like another season down the drain. When I was watching the Denver/Titan game, I got that same sick feeling I had last year as everything spiraled down in flames. NOT GOOD!

Then, to top it off this morning, we were greeted with a newscast that said Pacman Jones had been arrested again! This is his third or fourth police run-in about being where he shouldn’t have been and his second arrest in less than one year! I wonder what Jeff Fisher’s “zero tolerance” threat will really mean. One thing we don’t have to worry about in pro sports is someone having the INTEGRITY to do what is right in spite of how important the player may be to the team. As much as I dislike the University of Tennessee’s football program, at least Fulmer is finally getting it right and dismissing any player violating the rules. It’s taken him a long time to understand this or maybe the administration telling him that HIS job is on line if he continues to sugar coat and give felons another chance on the team. I daresay, most college coaches wouldn’t allow the second chances that Fisher is giving Pacman. Surely, three strikes and you’re out is two strikes too many for a pro football player!

So, my friends please know my long waited start of the season has already been torpedoed so either I change loyalties or pray I can live long enough to see a re-birth of that tough, talented team who played with grit and passion. We all had a lot of fun then... even when we lost!

I really miss that feeling!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Several Thoughts on Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

Would that I understand why I sometimes just don't feel compelled to write when it's something I truly enjoy. Nevertheless, I'm going to give a "go" tonight and try to comment on a few things that's been happening...don't count on it being too fresh!


Well, a little guy in China fell off a tree or something and seriously injured himself. They were showing pictures of him and he looked so sad, however, the good news is that they were planning extensive surgery on him to repair the breaks and cracks. Haven't heard an update but I'm sure they'll publish one when it's completed. The good news about Pandas is that they are multiplying and the efforts being made through out the world to protect this endangered species is awesome.

Don't forget to visit the websites in the U.S. for viewing the Pandas entrusted to our care: or

I guarantee a lot more relaxing than watching anything on national TV!


Very interesting that Joe Lieberman lost his Senate bid to a relative unknown. The reason given is that he supported the war in Iraq and President Bush and the good people of CT were "fed up." Another reason that's been touted is that the Democrat Party of CT has been taken over by more vocal liberals and they wanted to pound the heck out of any moderate. I think a lot of people who are much more knowledgeable about politics than I am, could have possibly missed the point and that is: It was a Primary, folks, and not a particularly good turn out of the party faithful who have supported Lieberman for his social and economic liberalism through the years. Another thing is if the terrorist plot uncovered in London had occurred the day before the Primary and not the day after, Joe would have probably won handily.

People need to be constantly reminded why we are in this fight. It's hard to keep their focus on the necessity to destroy these fundamentalist who have sworn to kill us and bury our society. I wish we could all join hands and sing together, but, sweethearts, it ain't gonna happen! Although I've taken some pride in staying open to what's hip and opening new doors the younger generation has created, I do find that there is a generation or more out there that wants everything tidied up in quick installments, just like a mini series. That mentality became apparent during the O.J. trial; people attached themselves to a TV not because it was a news story about a brutal murder, but more that it was akin to a "soap opera" that they had to see played out. It was though these weren't "real" people!

Well, hopefully, there are enough Americans who do understand this real and present danger and that they are committed to see it through. We continue to make progress in Iraq for the very freedoms we cherish; let's hope we have the courage to make it real for every Iraqi.


I think the Titans Defense looked very sparkly the other night against the Saints. Very energized! Billy Volek looked good! He kind of breaks my heart in that he's out there playing ball and winning while having to juggle all the press and hoopla that's going on about Vince Young. But, Billy is doing the job he knows and he's doing it well...what a professional!

The Vince Young cheerleading has made me more than nauseous. It's really overkill here. There's a sports writer from Houston who has done the most promotion that Vince IS the second coming and I'm not sure why he's writing for the Chronicle; he ought to be VY's press agent. I'm sure he's a good kid with a variety of talent and a fantastic future in Pro Football, but come on, he's not played in a real game yet and in the back of mind the 12 Wunderlich score is lurking. Can he ever learn a complicated Offense? They kept it simple for him in Texas, but that will last about one snap in the NFL. We'll see. Jeff Fisher made it simple for McNair for many years. Brian Billik (?sp) is understanding the need now that he's a Raven.

Now, how 'bout my fair haired boy from Vandy? Jay Cutler looked good on his first outing with the Bronco's. It also sounds as though the Denver fans are ready to grant him Elway status even if only temporarily until he has his first interception. Any Sunday, kids, any Sunday!