Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Hillary et al

I didn't think I had anything to say today until I saw Hillary being interviewed. The "kissy" TV guy was remorseful that there wasn't any "civility" in DC anymore and what could the good Senator and her party do about it. She came back with this generous smile, batted her eyes and said it was such a dilemma because the other party didn't want to debate the issues. Oh, how disingenuous.

Pray tell us, Hillary...what issues? What have you presented that can be debated? What have you proffered that could engineer a civil discussion so we can move ahead with an affordable health care inclusion, a modification to Social Security so it won't fail and greater success in our foreign policy?

During the process of approving Judge Alito, I saw arm waving, fear warnings and from Kennedy to Reid the mantra that George Bush has caused every failure in the United States from Hurricane Katrina to John Kerry's hemorrhoids. For God's sake, give it a rest. The Democratic party has some thinkers that surely could present some cogent arguments that actually could be debated. The Republican party has to respond in kind, with clarity, why it can't work or how it could be modified to satisfy both sides. It seems both sides always get their satisfaction with the innumerable add-ons to legislation that has no relation to the bill being passed.

It just seems neither party has the maturity to get the big picture and that is these United States need to be stronger, loop holes closed and "INTEGRITY" becoming an action and not just a word. As a voting citizen, I demand that you characters stop being actors in a play and instead play with character.

Hillary, the State of Union speech starts in less than an hour. Please, I beg you, don't resort to rolling your eyes whenever you get a camera shot. I would rather see you pick your least that's honest!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Random Thoughts - Politics and Pro Football

I read with interest that Eddie George may consider becoming involved with politics. I think that's a good idea if he will lay out a platform of what he believes, where he intends to make a difference and how he's going to do it. That's probably asking too much of any politician, but Eddie's used to "game plans" and what a better way to use his experience and really think about what he wants to accomplish. He has great leadership abilities and people seem to "like" him. Lots of plus's with Eddie, only downside for me is he is a Democrat. Oh, well, I voted for Bredesen so you can't really call me a "yellow dog" Republican. Believe me, if he can present a cogent platform, he'll get my consideration.

The Senior Bowl stirred a lot of interest in the Nashville area because of Jay Cutler's inclusion after having served as a pretty successful quarterback for Vandy. Heck, they beat Tennessee, that should count for a whole lot! I would like to see this kid succeed in the NFL if that's what he wants to do, but you never know which one wants it more. Everyone is so high on Vince Young and I truly hope Houston picks him. I have some reservation he has the staying power for the NFL and with the line the Texans have, Lord show him pity. (Almost as bad as the Titans.)

So, should that scenario play out with Young going to the Texans, I would like to see Lienart (sp) come to the Titans and also pick up the USC back, Delhomme White. However, if we can't get Lienart, then Cutler would be a welcome addition and the only reason I'm going with Matt first is because of his relationship with Norm Chow.

I'm sure the posturing by Floyd Reece and Jeff Fisher are part of the game so not to give way to where they plan on moving their pieces, but it does frustrate the fan. It's a darn good thing the ol' man is not raising the ticket prices this year...that's all we need to solidify the arrogance NFL owners have for season ticket holders.

Don't know about you, but I absolutely can't wait for Spring training. NASCAR and the NBA leave me cold. I'm still pretty high about the White Sox win last year and can only hope they will keep the team together. That was a real joy and a unique (88 years) experience to go through every ball pitched in four games. WOW! Hey, maybe Ozzie ought to think about politics; he just became a US citizen last month. He has leadership qualities and his odd ball antics and use of language will only entertain us more while he quietly gets something done. Surely we realize that our standard politicians take themselves so seriously, they have no sense of humor. No wonder that humor defines the higher intelligence of the individual who has it.

That's it, kids!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Posted by Picasa Instead of my meanderings, here's a published picture of dear JACK. He is now 11 years old and still a real sweetie pie. I have, however, had to learn a quasi sign language with him because he has become profoundly deaf. The trick to this is getting his attention so he can watch my hands.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Stand Back - Be Ready

Well, I guess today is a "politics" blog. Never much good to fact the reporters yesterday at the President's news conference seemed to be more interested in New Orleans re-building than anything else.

However, the revolution that occurred in Palestine vote yesterday should cause some concern. With Sharon apparently brain-dead and no immediate leader without an election, Israel has to be reeling with the victory by Hammas.

What's that mean to the US? I don't know, but I would speculate it will be an additional load for the issues we are already dealing with in the Middle East. We don't have a good feel about Iran burnishing their "sword" and the possibility of a strong coalition between Palestine and Iran as well as Al Qaeda. If we are drawing a line in the sand to protect Israel at any cost, then be prepared. It's coming.

It will be interesting to see how this one spins. What do you think?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Beautiful Panda

Well, finally published all four of them. Of course one was duplicated. Hey, I'm learning! Posted by Picasa

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Beautiful Panda

Taken at San Diego Zoo - March, 2005

Sorry for the "hat" guy...he's in the way and I'm not sure how to edit him out of there.

Today I thought I would serve up some Pandas for you to enjoy since I've done Politics and Pro Football already. There's supposed to be four Panda pictures, but I am only seeing one.

Back to the drawing board.
 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Here's a new NFL team...

With all the thugs, punks and malcontents that seem to be cropping up in the NFL, maybe the good Senator Byrd from West Virginia should leave the senate and start a pro football team. He doesn't seem to add much to senate or to the protection of lives in the mining industry. A couple of recruits that should make it on his team would be those wonders Pacman Jones and Marcus Vick. You could add T.O. and Clarett from Ohio State who was just arrested for burglary. Maybe they could entice Romanoski to get back on drugs and add his presence to the line. There's also a dozen or more NFL players who have been arrested for domestic they would be a good addition!

Although I'm not naive enough to think there weren't bad apples in the NFL in the past, it just seems so much more apparent now. We are just holding our breath until Pacman participates in another outrageous incident. We know it's coming; the only question is what will Reese and/or Fisher do this time. Another tap on the hand?

I grew up in Chicago when there were TWO football teams: Bears and Cardinals. Because we were from the south suburbs, we were Cardinal and White Sox fans. My Dad began taking me to old Comiskey Park when I was about five to see both of the those teams play. It was tremendously entertaining and made me a life long team fan/supporter, but today all that these NFL players make me is cynical. The TITANS, particularly, have lost their identity as a Team. When they went to the Superbowl, they were a Team. They have become, as many NFL teams have become, a group of individuals where each are demanding some kind of elusive "respect!" What's this all about? Aren't a player's character and his performance on the field, the two ingredients that allow respect to be given?

I suppose this all distills down to what we think is a "game" has become a billion dollar business...never let it be said that the mighty dollar won't take precedence over integrity.

Right, Bud Adams?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

First Step

I feel self-conscious about beginning this "blog." My thought is who would care to read my impressions or observations, but then it came to me that it's really all about "me" and if someone connects to what I'm saying (pro or con) they'll let me know. This kind of communication is something I'm missing right now so don't hesitate giving a response!

Today, I'm thinking about the nominee for the Supreme Court, Alito. I watched the hearings carefully and although there was superfluous grandstanding by the senators, I was impressed by Alito's balance in answering whatever questions were finally asked. However, in the back of my mind, I have some reservation that he will not let his personal feelings interrupt a sound consitutional decision.

Although I personally could not support a decision of abortion for me, I lived too long during the era of back alley abortionists who nearly destroyed several of my roommates. My own mother, during the Depression, aborted pregnancies with a clothes hanger! We can't go back to that alternative. But, even more importantly in my mind, is that the government should not interfere in this most personal choice. As a political moderate, I have a hard time understanding that conservatives who rail against government intervention would support overturning Roe vs Wade.

I'm sure that those who disagree will accuse me of defying God's laws, but my response is that the decision to have an abortion is a personal one and that is between the woman and God. I would hope that education will continue to indicate that the choice for abortion has decreased and I think we must do everything possible to support this enlightenment. Favorable adoption laws could also have an impact on decreased abortions. We must work together to solve the problem and not just give lip service to Pro Choice/Pro Life.

Hey, I promise my next posting won't be this heavy. I would rather make you laugh, but if it makes you think then perhaps it was the right way to start "blogging!"