Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

First Step

I feel self-conscious about beginning this "blog." My thought is who would care to read my impressions or observations, but then it came to me that it's really all about "me" and if someone connects to what I'm saying (pro or con) they'll let me know. This kind of communication is something I'm missing right now so don't hesitate giving a response!

Today, I'm thinking about the nominee for the Supreme Court, Alito. I watched the hearings carefully and although there was superfluous grandstanding by the senators, I was impressed by Alito's balance in answering whatever questions were finally asked. However, in the back of my mind, I have some reservation that he will not let his personal feelings interrupt a sound consitutional decision.

Although I personally could not support a decision of abortion for me, I lived too long during the era of back alley abortionists who nearly destroyed several of my roommates. My own mother, during the Depression, aborted pregnancies with a clothes hanger! We can't go back to that alternative. But, even more importantly in my mind, is that the government should not interfere in this most personal choice. As a political moderate, I have a hard time understanding that conservatives who rail against government intervention would support overturning Roe vs Wade.

I'm sure that those who disagree will accuse me of defying God's laws, but my response is that the decision to have an abortion is a personal one and that is between the woman and God. I would hope that education will continue to indicate that the choice for abortion has decreased and I think we must do everything possible to support this enlightenment. Favorable adoption laws could also have an impact on decreased abortions. We must work together to solve the problem and not just give lip service to Pro Choice/Pro Life.

Hey, I promise my next posting won't be this heavy. I would rather make you laugh, but if it makes you think then perhaps it was the right way to start "blogging!"


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