Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Hillary et al

I didn't think I had anything to say today until I saw Hillary being interviewed. The "kissy" TV guy was remorseful that there wasn't any "civility" in DC anymore and what could the good Senator and her party do about it. She came back with this generous smile, batted her eyes and said it was such a dilemma because the other party didn't want to debate the issues. Oh, how disingenuous.

Pray tell us, Hillary...what issues? What have you presented that can be debated? What have you proffered that could engineer a civil discussion so we can move ahead with an affordable health care inclusion, a modification to Social Security so it won't fail and greater success in our foreign policy?

During the process of approving Judge Alito, I saw arm waving, fear warnings and from Kennedy to Reid the mantra that George Bush has caused every failure in the United States from Hurricane Katrina to John Kerry's hemorrhoids. For God's sake, give it a rest. The Democratic party has some thinkers that surely could present some cogent arguments that actually could be debated. The Republican party has to respond in kind, with clarity, why it can't work or how it could be modified to satisfy both sides. It seems both sides always get their satisfaction with the innumerable add-ons to legislation that has no relation to the bill being passed.

It just seems neither party has the maturity to get the big picture and that is these United States need to be stronger, loop holes closed and "INTEGRITY" becoming an action and not just a word. As a voting citizen, I demand that you characters stop being actors in a play and instead play with character.

Hillary, the State of Union speech starts in less than an hour. Please, I beg you, don't resort to rolling your eyes whenever you get a camera shot. I would rather see you pick your least that's honest!


Blogger Barrier Island Girl said...

And THIS is why I thought you'd do an excellent job of blogging!

6:30 PM  
Blogger campbell said...

Thanks,hopefully,when we speak from the heart, it sometimes resonates. I was wondering, DJ, how more people could link to these articles because I really want to get feed-back and debate. I think yours is a link from the Pensacola paper, but I don't know to what I would attach to link.

7:07 AM  

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