Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Sometimes we can really become discouraged because of the choices we make, our family or friends make, sports figures make and the choices that politicians make that impact all of us. I think we can work past our personal bad choices if we review them, take responsibility and, if necessary, ask forgiveness and vow not to repeat them.

However, all the rest are mostly out of our hands. We have no control over a bad choice of a companion that one of our friends or family members make. We generally have to suck it up and support them until they see the light. It works to no avail if we try to carefully point out the deficits in their choice; often it just strengthens their choice. Again, we are unable to assert that a particular ball player doesn't measure up to our "standards" and therefore shouldn't be part of the team. That's all up to the management of the team and whether they can offset the player's miserable choices by the players performance on the field. (Note: Pacman Jones!) Management continues to justify the selection of thugs because they "think" they can be instrumental in the construction of a winning team. Who do we hold accountable for this assault on our sensibilities - management or the thug?

Lastly, we have our politicians who simply tap dance through their political life trying to salvage their next election. What else could be the motive for our Senators and Congressmen to do absolutely NOTHING to get their arms around this illegal migration from Mexico? If any of them would simply look at the poll figures by an outraged constituency that wants something done, one would think they would get past their intellectual inertia and really find a solution. (Of course, that's making an assumption they have the intellectual capacity to deduce a solution and we all know the where assumptions lead us!) Are they so afraid of the wrath of Employers that they can't enforce a law that demands a penalty of becoming a felon plus fines if the Employers do not receive a verifiable social security number and/or other documents to certify whether this potential employee is a United States citizen or has a verifiable green card? Come on, that would be the simplest solution to have in place and enforced rather than some overwhelming idea of sending all illegals back to Mexico.

However, if the prospective employee doesn't have this documentation, they do need to be reported to IMS so they can be deported to their respective country, BUT with this caveat: the illegal has to undergo, a day or whatever it takes, a workshop on how they can be legal migrants before they are deported. They have to be armed with specific information on how they can pursue legal immigration and, if necessary, put them at the top of the line when they provide the required information.

This idea of building a "wall" at our Borders sounds like so much crap. Even if you build this magic "wall," why wouldn't anyone consider that it could be scaled or dug under? Who is going to manage it, mile by mile across the formidable desert? It still doesn't place responsibility on the party that seems to gain the most by the illegal...the EMPLOYER. Please understand I am a card-carrying Republican and in favor of business acquiring the people they need to become productive and profitable. This enforcement very well may mean we all pay more per unit because of higher employee wages, but think about the costs we are now absorbing in health, school and government due to illegal migration! Somebody put a pencil to paper and figure it out what those costs are. It will probably astound us!

So, these are a couple of predicaments we are faced with everyday. We can face and take responsibility for our own bad choices, but we can't control what others do with this exception: We can take away a politician's inability to make reasonable choices by not returning them to Congress! That, too, is OUR responsibility


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