Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I'm back! There's a couple reasons I've not written the past year, but events are converging that are spiking my interest to express my views (clearly, I hope) and to energize yours!

We don't know now, how the nomination of Sarah Palin will play the next 66 days, but WOW, what a sharp change from the rest of both tickets! As a feminist (who's NOT a bra burner) I'm really excited that McCain has made this decision, however, it's NOT just because she's female that makes the difference. More importantly, it's because she evidences INTEGRITY. She's a whistle blower and not intimidated by old school politics. If it's the right thing to do, I have the feeling that Gov. Palin will do it.

The nay-sayers have already begun their attacks. Primarily they are attacking her "lack of experience." Well, excuse me, she's had 12 years as an elected official as an executive where she alone was responsible for making decisions and often having to make them in real time unlike the good Senators who ponder and "chess game" every decision they make! Of course, the opposition completely negates what kind of managerial expertise it takes to guide and raise 5 children!

Historically, most politicians (when wined and dined) by lobbyists do change their positions and McCain and Palin may also be compromised in order to accomplish their objectives (much like Bush had to do to get the war funded,) but unlike the run of the mill hack politician, I think these two have set the bar much higher against lobbyists. I don't think the "community activist" has that higher calling and as for Biden, he's long been locked into politics as usual.

Yes, Gov. Palin has a lot to absorb in a short time before the election. She seems bright, plucky and she does have a good resume no matter how the opposition denigrates it. Keep in mind that John McCain has actualized what "CHANGE" means by his selection. As my grandmother used to say "proof is in the pudding." Don't be fooled by empty words!

Finally, I'm excited about the forthcoming NFL season, but we'll do that in another blog.

