Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Friday, September 15, 2006


This may not be original and I haven’t heard anyone in Washington discuss it, but doesn’t it seem to you that one of the best solutions to stop this sectarian violence and the spread of angry, fundamentalist Muslim teaching would be for those Muslims who reject these teachings to band together and make their truth heard?

I think the rest of us could do more to encourage this type of involvement by the majority of Muslims who believe in peace and particularly for those Muslims who live in the U.S., for them to explain the freedoms afforded by a Constitution and freely elected government. Unfortunately, I really don’t know any Muslims, but maybe individual "Letters to the Editor" calling on these Muslims to become active may be all that’s needed. It matters not how well you write, just make your point.

If we accept the premise that Knowledge Is Power, it follows that the more education and/or enlightenment people have, the less they will be entrenched in teachings that will defeat their purpose here on earth. Of what value is a life with a fundamentalist teacher…none. How can there be any justification that Mohammed would want the sacrifice of even one life while killing others? And, right now, why would Muslims desire to kill other Muslims in the name of Allah? It doesn’t make sense!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog and the one on the 18th should be sent to the Tennessean.

9:12 PM  

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