Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Meandering Thoughts - What Else?

WOW! Today's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! I think I may just wander out and begin clearing some of the dead wood that's been gathering over the winter. Although I realize we will have a few more frosty days, you can almost smell Spring around the corner. The willow tree has a hint of green so it won't be too much longer.

I feel great, I just don't want to talk in depth about politics today, it would just bring me down. I will say this, however, one of the most interesting things about liberals is that they have the freedom to say anything they want, true or not, yet they feel compelled to dump on me any derogatory name or garbage they can think of with impunity. It really makes them feel good. Go Figure!

The "NFL Combine" in Indy seems to be more exciting than the Olympics. As you know, the players take a Wunderlich test so prospective teams can gauge whether or not they'll run the right way. The Titans seem to have a proclivity to sign players with less than an acceptable score because they may have physical attributes which the Titans think will compensate for the low scores. Let's review Pacman Jones one more time! Maybe Floyd should go more for free agency since there will be a record established on free agent's proven knowledge and leadership qualities.

We can only hope for Matt Leinart or Jay Cutler with our #3 draft pick. Vince Young, too, may be a strong candidate; I just don't know much about him other than his splendid showing at the Rose Bowl this year and that was impressive.

Too bad about Sasha Cohen not getting the Gold; she was astonishing in her short program. Fortunately because of our Connection Group meeting on Thursday evenings, I didn't have to go through the angst. I also didn't get to see Jerry Rice, who amazingly is still in competition, do his final dance in "Dancing With the Stars!" I don't care that he's not as good as the other two couples...he tries so hard with the same professionalism he always gave to his football games.

Dance, Jerry, Dance!


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