LULU BELLE - She's a "southern" lady!

I haven't shared Lulu's story with you. I found her on the internet as a "rescued" pup. It seems some elderly lady, living in a trailer, down in Maury County was found to have some 30 cocker spaniels with her. They removed the dogs, treated the ones who were ill and then put them up for adoption. Evidently, Lulu didn't have much luck with that development because a son of the adopting family severely abused her.
I think this adopted family turned her over to the Southeast Cocker Spaniel rescue and they healed her back to health and placed her with a foster family. Fortunately, I happened to be searching the rescue sites and saw her. I had never had a black/white cocker so I thought this might be an interesting companion for Jack and the "Queen" Josephine. I called, found out a little about Lulu's story and in a few days drove down to Maury County to just "visit" with the dog. Well, just a visit wasn't in Lulu's plan so she planted herself right next to me and wherever I walked, Lulu came. She made the trek back to Hendersonville that day.
I wish I could say that all was harmonious with the transition of this new dog, but it was challenging. Josephine had long reigned as the top dog and Lulu didn't know she wasn't the top dog. Unfortunately, for Josephine, Lulu was younger and much quicker so Josie suffered some consequences in challenging her. However, within the next few months, everyone pretty much sorted out their place in the family and they seem to have bonded well.
I never had a dog before that had been abused so special care and time was necessary to bring her around. It's been well worth it as she has become a good family member which is the goal we should have for any pet brought into the family. I think sometimes we forget that an animal just doesn't automatically know how to integrate into the family routine so it's up to the family to establish the pet's parameters. I always encourage people who are bringing a pet into the home to at least read a book on dog training or go to a local dog obedience school. The time spent will reap dividends in the rewarding relationship you can have with your pet.
In closing, you will never find a better dog than one you rescue. Believe me, they know it! If you're set on having one breed of dog as I do (cocker spaniels)you will be surprised to find many, many pedigreed dogs in rescue situations. Try as a start or visit your local shelter.

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