Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Tennessee Legislature (?)

Those of you who are not from the Nashville area have probably not been subjected to the recent scandal dubbed "The Tennessee Waltz." It seems some FBI guys disguised as "lobbyists" have been paying off (surprise, surprise) some of our legislature buddies in a major sting operation. Four Democrats and one GOP have been indicted.

Well, this has caused a great deal of huffing and puffing around here and Governor Bredesen has required those esteemed political servants of the people to hold a special meeting and come up with an "Ethics" bill. They've been working on this bill for 3-1/2 weeks and this morning's paper advises they may make the decision to throw what they have put together out the window. It seems the House and Senate can't agree (another surprise, huh?)

The kicker on all this is that both houses called in LOBBYISTS to assist in writing the damn bill! How difficult would it be for these duly elected officials to determine right from wrong? Truth is simple. Lying is complex.

Come on you guys, get it right and get it done! This is absolutely embarrassing and insulting to the people of Tennessee. We deserve better and, hopefully, the people will remember this fiasco at election time.

Next week we'll talk about the corruption within the Tennessee State Troopers.


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