Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Well, well, someone from professional sport's has finally made a statement for integrity! The odds that Commissioner Goodell would suspend Adam (Pacman) Jones for the entire season were not that great. The odds were better that he would go for a 0 - 3 game suspension which is what I believed he would do. I didn't think he would do anything that would "damage" the business end of the sport...but, surprise, surprise, he did it!

I'm not sure if Jones will appeal the suspension, but his attorney, in a conversation with 104.5 Sports Zone in Nashville, alluded to that option if he were, indeed, suspended. If the suspension is overturned or mitigated, that would be another rollover that Jones has grown to expect. Stay tuned!

The other sports flap going on is about dear ol' Imus. I had stopped watching him several months ago because he is often mean and vile about people as well as his hypocritical assumption of being a Republican. What a joke that was! However, my spotlight is turned on Al Sharpton, who has taken on Imus for his stupid labeling the fine girls from Rutgers, because I would like him to do something about the dispicable gangsta' rap and hiphop that denigrates ALL women. Why is it allowed on the radio and why do I have to listen to it during the pre-game warmups? If Sharpton is such a pinnacle of correctness, let him do something about that and, PLEASE, don't say it's OK because it reflects a "cultural" thing! WHO needs that kind of "culture?" Maybe if Pacman hadn't grown up listening to that trash, he might still be playing football!


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