Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Although I'm anxious to see the game this Sunday, I'm a little sensitive to the fact that it's going to be a long eight months before they take the field again for other than training camp and exhibition games. That makes me a little pensive. Isn't it amazing how some over-paid and boorish athletes can command that kind of following?

What really has begun bothering me is that they (the players) seem to becoming more and more oblivious to the fans and the laws that govern all of us. They seem to think they are DUE their million dollar salaries and no matter what antics, drugs or peccadillo's they become embroiled in; it is of no consequence and no penalty to them. They rail against their coach as well as their fellow players if their complaints aren't heeded. Their antics off the field are those of THUGS!

On top of that, I've become aware that veteran NFL players can't get the medical attention they sorely need. These players who laid their bodies on the line have been forgotten by their union and, of course, NFL Owners. What gives with that? I understand it would take only $25 per current NFL players to set up an insurance policy for medical injuries that would offer them some protection.

The NFL Owners have no problem in raising the ticket prices every year even if the team has a losing season. We've had three. The Owner we have in Nashville (who lives in Houston)not only has control and revenue from the sponsor's sign (LP FIELD) but earns concession revenues and has approval over any event that is held at the stadium during off season and gets revenue from that as well. Let me remind you that this stadium was built with taxpayer money, not Bud Adam's! He has a sweetheart deal no matter which way you cut it.

So, maybe the objective of this rant, is to help me remember all the bad things about the NFL and not think about missing a bunch of cretins who bring very little to the table that enable a better life for all of us.

Bring on Baseball (who cares about a little self-inflicted juice!)


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