Pandas, Politics and Pro Football

A variety of observations predicated on seven decades of life.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


For the last couple of months, I find myself trying to escape any, and I mean ANY, news broadcast. I used to be such a news junkie and was hooked on MSNBC as well as FOX, but now I find much of my time is watching HGTV or listening to the local sports radio show, 104.5!

What's going on? Why am I running as fast as I can via my trusty remote to NOT hear the news? Well, it all does boil down to the miserable sensitivity I've developed to the ugly partisan politics that surrounds nearly all news broadcasts. It is so patently distorted to jibe, jab and mislead the public. Take a second look at Gore's "Inconvenient Truth." The truth is Gore has been up to his eyeballs in his own personal environmental destruction with a zinc mine here in Tennessee. Furthermore, just because he's been given press by those liberals who still contend he won in 2000, doesn't mean "global warning" is a fact that will destroy us. Too many acknowledged scientists have disputed what he is alleging, but do you see headlines on their position? NO! Do you ever tire of David Letterman's nightly
monologue denigrating the President? YES!

Right now, the Lefties are peeing all over themselves about the firing of some Federal attorneys. WHY? Because Chuck Schumer and Pat Lahey are gleefully attempting some political coup against Gonzalez to discredit Bush. Please know that these firings are not illegal and the A.G. had every right to initiate them.

Lastly, this Scooter Libby trial which should never have gone forward when Armistead volunteered that HE was the one who had disclosed the self-absorbed Valerie Plume's name! But, no, the politico's wanted another venue to rip Bush, Cheney, etc. That was downright shameful!

Where's this going to end? The media and Internet are vital to a democracy, but there has to be some personal limitation by these reporters to evaluate what their purpose is in pursuing a vendetta against the administration. Is it any wonder that broadcast news is losing listeners and so many are searching out other kinds of cable programs including repeats and repeats of "Law & Order." We can only wish the media would have some kind of satori and figure out a way to have a positive effect.


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